• News

    Updates from lab presentations, awards and other happy things to celebrate!

    June 2024

    Congrats to Dyuti for defending her MS in Biotechnology!

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    May 2024

    Emily presents her thesis research at the Annual RNA Society meeting in Scotland! Special thanks to the IU College of Arts and Sciences Executive Dean's Women in Science Travel award and the RNA Society for awarding Emily a Research Presentation fellowship!

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    May 2024

    Congrats to Emma for being awarded a spot on the NIH T32 Quantitative Chemical Biology Training grant! Way to go Emma!

    April 2024

    Alfa presents her thesis research at the Todos Los Santos Small RNA meeting in Mexico!

    April 2024

    Congrats to Jazmine on defending her undergraduate Molecular Life Sciences honors thesis! Great job presenting and we will miss you in the Hundley lab!

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    April 2024

    Double congrats to Hundley lab members - Ananya and Dyuti - for their awards at the yearly Biology awards banquet. Ananya was recognized with the Dona Graam fellowship and Dyuti received the Mahler-Wenkert-Heiser fellowship. Way to go!!

    April 2024

    Heather and Boyoon had a wonderful time meeting attending the Rocky Mountain RNA Symposium - such wonderful RNA Science and an outstanding event organized by the trainees!

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    March 2024

    Congratulations to Boyoon Yang for recognition of her talents with the 2024-2025 IU College of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Research fellowship!

    March 2024

    Ananya presents her thesis research at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology meeting in San Antonio, Texas! Many thanks for the travel support from the IU Executive Dean’s Women in Science travel fund!

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    December 2023

    The Hundley lab is excited to welcome Emma Lamb as the newest graduate student in the lab! Welcome Emma!

    December 2023

    Heather had a wonderful day presenting the lab’s work at the Center for RNA Biology seminar series at The Ohio State University!

    August 2023

    Thankful to the NIH for awarding us a supplement to fund post-bacc Mary Skelly for the next year and recognition of her ability to contribute to the medical profession in the future!

    May 2023

    Congrats to Biology graduate student Ananya Mahapatra for winning both the Frank W. Putnam Fellowship and the Robert W. Briggs Graduate Fellowship in Developmental Biology and Biochemistry graduate student Boyoon Yang for winning the Victor Liu Fellowship!

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    May 2023

    Congrats to our seniors - Mary and Sarina on graduating from IU!! We loved celebrating with you and appreciate all the contributions to our research!

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    March 2023

    Congrats to Biochemistry graduate student Boyoon Yang on her best oral presentation prize at the RNA Editing Gordon Research Seminar! One of Boyoon's prizes was to present her research on the last night of the RNA Editing GRC - she rocked the talk and has such beautiful ADAR CLIP data emerging!

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    October 2022

    The lab attends the 2022 Rustbelt RNA meeting and all 5 graduate students present posters on their work!

    October 2022

    Priyanka presents her thesis work at the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center Cancer Research Day and wins a second place award for her presentation! Congrats Priyanka!

    September 2022

    Congrats to Alfa on passing her prelim exam!! We are proud of you! and happy to celebrate!!

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    August 2022

    Congrats to graduate student Emily Erdmann for being awarded an NIH F31 fellowship for her thesis project! Many thanks to NICHD for supporting this work on the C. elegans germline and IU Biology for the excellent article on Emily's acheivement!

    August 2022

    Summer undergraduate researcher, Hakyung Koo, presents her research at the IUSURP poster session! Thankful for Hakyung's productive summer energy and graduate student Boyoon Yang for mentoring her!

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    August 2022

    Emily presents her thesis research at the C. elegans Development, Cell Biology and Gene Expression meeting in Madison WI!

    August 2022

    The lab (physically) moves to the Department of Biology!!

    August 2022

    Reshma defends her thesis!! Congrats Dr. Raghava Kurup!! and thanks for all the hard work (and sarcasm) over the last four years!

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    August 2022

    Congrats to graduate student Reshma Kurup for her first author publication in Scientific Reports! In collaboration with the Danthi lab at IU, Reshma found that ADAR3 expressing cells lead to increased NF-kB activation and resistance of glioblastoma cells to irradiation and standard-of-care chemotherapy! Thanks to IU Biology for the press on this paper!

    July 2022

    The lab had a wonderful time hosting Caldwell lab graduate student, Lindsey Starr, for a summer research exchange. Thankful to Company of Biologists for awarding Lindsey with financial support for the trip!

    July 2022

    Alfa and Chinnu present their work at the C. elegans Aging, Metabolism, Small RNA and Pathogenesis meeting in Madison WI!

    July 2022

    Undergraduate Mary Skelly presents her summer research project at the IU Summer Undergraduate symposium! Thankful to IN-Louis Stokes Allaince for Minority Participation for summer funding for Mary, graduate student Boyoon Yang for mentoring Mary and Mary for all the hard work!

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    July 2022

    The lab had a wonderful day hosting the Indianapolis area regional worm meeting--thankful to Ananya, Alfa and Boyoon for presenting posters and postdoc Chinnu for her oral presentation!

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    July 2022

    Congrats to Reshma for her first author publication describing the role of ADAR3 in binding to the MAVS transcript (and 3000 other mRNAs) and regulating protein expression! Many thanks to former graduate student Eimile Oakes for starting this project and Priyanka

    May 2022

    Graduate student, Priyanka Mukherjee presents her thesis research at the annual RNA Society meeting in Boulder, CO!

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    May 2022

    Heather is honored to receive the IUSM-Bloomington Outstanding Research Mentor Award. Thankful for the appreciation from my mentees!!

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    April 2022

    Heather presents the lab's work in the Biochemistry Department seminar series at Emory School of Medicine!

    April 2022

    Heather wrapped up visits to local kindergraten classrooms. Thanks to @IUBiology Outreach for organizing the visits!

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    April 2022

    Graduate student Boyoon Yang wins best poster prize at the Biochemistry Graduate Program retreat

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    March 2022

    Heather presents the lab's work at the University of Iowa Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. It was a wonderful visit for her first in-person seminar trip in two years!

    March 2022

    Congrats to graduate student Emily Erdmann on her first research manuscript reporting an important

    reproductive phenotype in C. elegans!

    February 2022

    Congrats to Priyanka Mukherjee for her award of the Doane and Eunice Dahl Wright fellowship from IUSM-Bloomington!

    December 2021

    Congrats to graduate student Priyanka Mukherjee for receiving a trainee pilot grant from IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center!

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    December 2021

    Graduate student Boyoon Yang passes her qualifying exam! Great job Boyoon!

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    November 2021

    Graduate student Ananya Mahapatra passes her preliminary exam! Great job Ananya!

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    November 2021

    Congrats to graduate student Ananya Mahapatra for her selection as one of the inaugural John R. and Wendy L. Kindig Scholars!

    September 2021

    Graduate student Emily Erdmann passes her preliminary exam! Well done Emily!!

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    September 2021

    The lab attends the virtual Rustbelt RNA meeting from Red River Gorge. A beautiful weekend of talks, presenting posters (6!!) and 2 gorgeous hikes.

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    December 2021

    Graduate student Boyoon Yang passes her qualifying exam! Great job Boyoon!

    July 2021

    The lab finishes our 8 week summer research program - it was a team effort to guide 9 undergraduates through individual projects on editing. Lots of plasmids cloned, worms picked and laughs!

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    July 2021

    Our chapter on RNA immunoprecipitation is out in Methods in Enzymology. Congrats Reshma and Priyanka!

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    May 2021

    Undergraduate Melanie Forbes defends her thesis project and completes the first ever Indiana University Human Biology undergraduate honors project! Way to go Melanie!!

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    March 2021

    The Hundley lab welcomes Dr. Chinnu Salim as a postdoctoral scholar - Chinnu brings with her a wealth of neurobiology expertise, especially using the C. elegans model system. Welcome Chinnu!

    December 2020

    Excited to share that our review on ADARs is out in Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology! Excellent team effort by four graduate students to cover important areas of ADAR biology, innate immunity, oncogenesis and substrate recognition!

    December 2020

    We are thrilled to welcome back Alfa Dhakal in her new role as a Cell, Molecular and Cancer Biology graduate student in the Hundley lab!

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    October 2020

    The Hundley lab had a great virtual visit to the Rustbelt RNA meeting. Reshma presented her thesis work orally and the rest of the lab presented posters of their research - with Halle and Emily both earning poster presentation awards! Great work by all!!

    October 2020

    Priyanka successfully defended her prelim making her the first CMCB doctoral candidate in the Hundley lab! Congrats Priyanka!

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    September 2020

    Reshma presents her thesis research at the RNA Editing and Modification Keystone Symposium!

    September 2020

    Suba defends her thesis and we celebrate Dr. Rajendren!!

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    May 2020

    Congrats to graduate student Emily Erdmann on being awarded a position on the NIH Quantitative Chemical Biology Training Grant-- Great job Emily!

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    May 2020

    Master's student Halle Stump completes her degree and wins first prize in the poster contest! Congrats Halle--and happy to say she will stay in the Hundley lab to keep working on the pathogen project!

    March 2020

    Heather presents the labs' work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Biochemistry Colloquium. It was great to see friends from graduate school and meet some of the great new faculty!

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    February 2020

    Congrats to Reshma for earning a year of funding from the Wright fellowship!

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    December 2019

    The Hundley lab is excited to welcome three new graduate students - Boyoon Yang, Emily Erdmann and Ananya Mahapatra! Lots of exciting new worm projects to start in the New Year!

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    December 2019

    Heather presented the lab's work at the Neuroscience Department at UCONN Health Science Center. Great questions from the audience and a fantastic student lunch!

    November 2019

    With a day full of meetings with RNA and C. elegans researchers, Heather had a wonderful visit to the Biology Department at University of Rochester.

    July 2019

    The summer wrapped up with almost back-to-back-to-back poster sessions for our summer students, Maggie, Jack, Farida and Amanda. Everyone did a great job with their projects and presentations. A special shout-out to Jack for his honorable mention prize at the IMPRS poster session!

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    July 2019

    Very exciting news from the NIH! Our grant on Molecular mechanisms that regulate ADAR target recognition and RNA editing in vivo has been funded by the National Institute for General Medical Sciences! It is wonderful to have 5 years of funding for our mechanistic studies of ADAR function.

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    June 2019

    Awesome news from the National Science Foundation!! Our grant on RNA-mediated regulation of innate immunity is funded! Many thanks to all in the lab that have contributed to this project and excited to see how 4 years of funding will allow us to grow!

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    April 2019

    Congratulations to graduate student Reshma Kurup on passing her prelim!! Great job Reshma!

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    April 2019

    Excited to publish our first collaborative paper with the Lamm lab! Work to understand the developmental regulation of editing and how aberrant editing is worse than no editing -- published at Cell Reports!

    April 2019

    Congrats to adopted graduate student Reid Oshiro and Hundley lab graduate student, Suba Rajendren on the manuscript accepted at mBio!

    March 2019

    It was wonderful to attend the 2019 RNA Editing Gordon Conference! Presented some unpublished work from the lab, made a lot of new contacts and had great meetings with old friends!

    March 2019

    Heather had a wonderful visit to Iowa State University, where she presented the lab's recent work and got lots of great questions from a very engaged audience!

    December 2018

    Cell, Molecular and Cancer Biology graduate student Priyanka Mukherjee joins the Hundley lab. Welcome Priyanka!!

    November 2018

    Heather had a wonderful time visiting the undergraduates at the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department of Northern Kentucky University.

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    November 2018

    Suba is awarded a predoctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association to fund her remaining thesis research!! Congrats to Suba on this amazing accomplishment!

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    November 2018

    Heather had a great time visiting the beautiful University of Texas at Dallas campus, talking about the lab's research and hearing about all the great research at UTD!

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    October 2018

    The lab had a great time traveling to Columbus for the Rustbelt RNA meeting and everyone did a wonderful job presenting their posters!

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    September 2018

    Heather presents different ways the lab has used the IUB Flow Cytometry facility at the Great Lakes Imaging and Flow Cytometry Association Annual Meeting. Many thanks for IUB-Flow Cytometry Facility Manager, Christiane Hassel, for the invitation to speak!

    September 2018

    Hundley lab graduate student Suba Rajendren and Pikaard lab graduate student Jasleen Singh present in the GCDB trainee seminar series! Great afternoon of RNA Biology!!

    August 2018

    Suba's first author manuscript on a novel mechanism for ADAR substrate recognition is accepted at Nucleic Acids Research!! Congrats to Suba, Aidan and Haider from the Hundley lab and many thanks to our collaborator Yuro Takagi-

    August 2018

    Dr. Oakes successfully defends her thesis research and graduates from Indiana University. Congrats Eimile!

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    July 2018

    The last week of July wrapped up with three poster sessions---the Indy worm meeting where undergrad Olivia Abraham made her poster deput, the IU-Bloomington Office of Engaged Learning poster session where undergrad Amanda Lawson presented her summer research on ADAR3, and last but not least, the Indiana Medical Student Program for Research and Scholarship poster session where (nearly) MS2 students Obi Nwosu and Anna Dudley presented their summer research and Obi took home an honorable mention prize for his poster! Thanks to all in the lab for a great summer of research-

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    July 2018

    Heather attended the 2018 Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation Gordon Conference and presented a poster on the lab's work on a new mode of substrate recognition for the ADAR enzymes.

    July 2018

    The lab is awarded a Ralph W. and Grace M. Showalter Trust grant to gain additional preliminary data for a new project on RNA-mediated regulation of innate immune gene expression and pathogen resistance!

    June 2018

    Heather chairs the Noncoding RNA session at the 2018 C. elegans Small RNA, Pathogenesis, Aging and Metabolism meeting!

    June 2018

    Heather presented the lab's work on neural editing and chemotaxis at the C. elegans Neuro 2018 meeting.

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    June 2018

    The Hundley lab welcomes undergraduate Amanda Lawson to the lab for her summer Women in STEM LLC project!

    May 2018

    Graduate student Suba Rajendren led off the talks in the RNA Editing and Modification session at the 2018 RNA Society meeting. Great job telling your exciting story on ADAR substrate RNA recognition!

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    March 2018

    GCDB graduate student, Reshma Kurup joins the Hundley lab--welcome Reshma!

    March 2018

    Graduate student Suba Rajendren wins a travel award from RNA Society to attend the annual RNA Society meeting in Berkeley, California. Congrats Suba!

    February 2018

    Heather had a wonderful visit to Case Western Reserve University and presenting the lab's work at the RNA Center.

    January 2018

    Suba Rajendren is awarded the Doane and Eunice Dahl Wright fellowship for 2018. Congrats Suba!

    January 2018

    Heather visits Purdue Cancer Center to talk about the lab's recent work.

    October 2017

    Heather presents the labs' work on RNA editing in the worm nervous system to the Department of Biology at Ball State University.

    October 2017

    The Hundley lab makes the short journey to Indianapolis to attend the 2017 Rustbelt RNA meeting.

    Congrats to Suba for her honorable recognition poster prize! Great job Suba!

    October 2017

    Suba and Eimile present their research at the 2017 IUSM Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research Day

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    August 2017

    Congrats to Pranathi and Eimile on the publication of their Methods in Molecular Biology Chapter on Methods to Detect A-to-I RNA Editing--This is a great resource for anyone attempting to examine A-to-I RNA editing of cellular RNAs!

    September 2017

    Sarah's exciting paper on neural cell RNA-seq was accepted at eLIFE! This work wouldn't have been possible without a great collaboration with the Yeo lab and many Hundley lab members past and present (Aidan, Suba, Pranathi, Mike and Emily). Congrats to all!

    July 2017

    Eimile and Heather receive a pilot grant to identify more ADAR3 regulated targets in glioblastoma!

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    July 2017

    Khorana Scholar, Britya Ghosh, finished her summer research project on RNA Editing in glioblastoma.

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    June 2017

    Pranathi completes her Masters Research in Biotechnology by completing the construction of 24 RNA-seq libraries! We will miss you Pranathi-

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    April 2017

    Undergraduate Haider Al-Awadi defends his undergraduate thesis research in the Chemistry Department

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    April 2017

    Master's student Pranathi Vadlamani wins first place in the poster competition at the Hutton Honors College Research Symposium. Congrats Pranathi!

    March 2017

    Graduate students Suba and Eimile receive a Women in Science Travel Award from the IU Provost's Office to support their trip to the 2017 RNA Editing Gordon Research Conference in Ventura, CA.


    Suba was also selected to give an oral presentation at that 2017 RNA Editing Gordon Research Seminar.


    Congrats Suba and Eimile!

    February 2017

    Biochemistry Graduate Student, Justin Peterson joins the Hundley lab. Welcome Justin!

    February 2017

    Congrats to grad student Eimile Oakes and undergraduate student Ashley Anderson on publication of their study of the role of ADAR3 in glioblastoma in JBC!


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    December 2016

    Dr. Sarah Deffit was awarded an NIH F32 NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship for her studies in the Hundley lab. Congrats Sarah!

    October 2016

    Thanks to Pranathi, Suba, Haider and Eimile on helping to introduce our Brownie troop visitors to science in the Hundley lab (and liquid nitrogen!)

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    October 2016

    The Hundley lab enjoyed a journey to the 2016 Rustbelt RNA meeting in Cleveland Ohio with postdoc, Sarah Deffit, presenting her exciting neural editing data in an oral presentation and Suba, Eimile, Pranathi and Haider presenting posters.

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    September 2016

    Graduate student Suba Rajendren passes her prelim- Congrats Suba!

    August 2016

    Heather is awarded the Bergmann Prize from the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation. In addition, the Lamm and Hundley labs are awarded a joint research grant from the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation to study the developmental regulation of editing in C. elegans.

    June 2016

    STEM Summer Scholar Emilia Oben, a junior undergraduate from Jackson State University, joins the Hundley lab for a summer research experience. Welcome Emilia!

    May 2016

    Emilie presents her thesis research at the Simon Cancer Research Day in Indianapolis.

    May 2016

    Sarah is awarded a CTSI Postdoc Challenge grant to perform pilot studies at the IUB-Flow Cytometry Core and the IUB- Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics. Congrats Sarah!

    March 2016

    Haider is awarded the Robert and Marjorie Mann Scholarship to continue his undergraduate project in the lab this summer. Congrats Haider!

    March 2016

    Ashley is awarded the STEM Summer Scholars Institute scholarship to continue her undergraduate project in the lab this summer. Congrats Ashley!

    February 2016

    IUB-undergraduate, Pranathi Vadlamani joins the lab to get a head start on her biotechnology master’s project. Welcome Pranathi!

    December 2015

    Emilie presents her thesis research at the American Society for Cell Biology meeting in San Diego.